
Youth Mapping Winnipeg: A Collaborative Cross Cultural Learning Project

Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW) – Newcomer Ethnocultural Youth Council of Winnipeg is calling all newcomer youth for an experiential learning opportunity promoting the culture and heritage of our Province and Indigenous history.

Youth Mapping Winnipeg: A Collaborative Cross Cultural Learning Project

Newcomers come into the country with little or no knowledge of Canadian history, therefore, the project aims at engaging newcomer youth in learning about our heritage, exploring our community, Indigenous history, ancestry, culture, natural resources and environmental issues while promoting the Province’s rich and diverse heritage.

This project includes FREE field trips to five historic sites, national parks, mapping our environment and celebrating our heritage. It is a ten-week program and will be on Saturdays from October 21st – December 16th and January 6th @ 12 noon to 2:00pm.

All Youth are welcome. Snacks will be provided.

Youth Networking & Engagement Coed Soccer Tournament

Newcomer Ethnocultural youth Council, together with Canada African Cup of Nation and The Holistic Ongoing Opportunities Development- Facilitation & Management Services Inc. are proud to host it’s first ever Youth Networking & Engagement Coed Soccer Tournament. This dynamic event is designed for youth ages 15 to 24, offering a unique blend of soccer, networking opportunities, and community engagement.

  • Date: September 2nd, 2023
  • Time: 12:00-4:00 PM
  • Location: Central Park, 367 Ellice Avenue

Get in Touch

Make your mark and join the Newcomer Ethnocultural Youth Council of Winnipeg today! Together, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming city for all.